Field block Frödinge
Location 57.736390, 15.995914
Got the tip for this boulder by Jon Smedsås some years ago and went there last autumn to have a look and to try some of the lines.
The south facing side have some easy but real high problems.”Tjuven”6B+ and ”Lös snus”6A established and brushed by the crew of the day. Jesper Bertholdson making the fist ascents.
Jens Ekelund ”Therminal spirt disease” 6B made a short line stopping on a big shelf not toping out due to unbrushed top.
Problem number one of the day was to figure out a way up to brush the top and to get down without up killing your self. The solution is two birch trees close to the boulder. We made some tree climbs up and down those during the day.
I had one aim for the day to try and climb the brushed project in the north facing wall of the boulder. I tried it a little bit past seasons and the movement makes me psyched and motivated.
And the hold are there. I started the day by trying to figure out how to use them the proper way.
My old beta was straight out hard and really stretch out. The stand went down and I started to figure out a Sds to it.
11 continus moves from Sds up to easier terrain and ”Ballerina Radio” was born. A real proper problem and a super nice line. Regarding grade we have to wait a bit for ascenders to have opinion. At least I would say 7C with 5 star movement. Get there and trie it I might be totally out of the box on the garde of this one 😮
There is for sure more to be done and a classic aret facing South west is up for grabs. This is a beautiful line thet I would be surprised if it not established soon.
Go out and enjoy…